The game is simple : i bought some tiny people a few days ago and i used them today to shoot a new diorama. Before you can discover it, imagine a new scene including those 3 elements (man + tree +scale) and describe your idea with 2 or 3 lines (what could this tiny man do with a scale and a tree ?). The best idea will win a 8x8 photo to choose in my Etsy shop !
Rules :
- Prize; Prize Value : 8x8 photo : $29
- How Many Winners: 1
- End Date: 05/30
- Can Be Won : Worldwide
1 . Describe in the blog the scene you would create with the 3 elements.
2. Visit my Etsy Shop and add to your comment a link to the 8x8 photo you'd like to win
3. Don't forget to blog, facebook and tweet about this !!!

Il est temps de gagner un nouveau petit cadeau...
Le jeu est simple... J'ai acheté il y a quelques jours quelques personnages miniatures et je les ai utilisés pour créer une nouvelle photo. Avant de la découvrir, imaginez vous-même une nouvelle scène mettant en situation les 3 éléments ci-dessus (personnage + échelle + arbre) et décrivez votre idée en 2/3 lignes (que pourrait donc bien faire le petit bonhomme avec son arbre et son échelle ?). La meilleure idée gagnera une photo de son choix en format 20x20 cm issue de ma boutique Etsy.
Règles du jeu :
- Prix à gagner : une photo 20x20 cm : $29
- Nb de gagnants : 1
- Fin du jeu : 05/30
- Participation : Internationale
2. Visitez ma boutique Etsy et ajoutez dans votre commentaire un lien vers la photo 20x20 cm que vous aimeriez gagner.
3. N'oubliez pas de relayer l'info sur votre blog, votre compte facebook ou twitter... !!!
A vous de jouer !
8 commentaires:
I would have the man hanging from the tree with the ladder laying on the ground as if it fell. Then I would have something dangerous underneath him (rocks, large spiders or something.)
I would order Sugar sugar or Sin of Gluttony or
Alors moi je vois bien une grosse botte de foin, l'échelle mise pratiquement à l'horizontal entre cette botte et l'arbre. Le personnage lui sur cette échelle qui tente d'attraper à bout de bras un petit chaton. (j'espère être clair).
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I would have the man falling from ladder sliding down the tree :) One hand of the man is holding the ladder while the other is free in air.
Should I win, i would choose this one: Really nice concept :)
Here's my tweet:
these are so original! with these elements i'd have the cowboy climbing up the ladder, trying to right the tree that has fallen.
i'd love this photo:
I'd have the man riding the ladder like a surfboard on top of the tree branches.
I love the Sugar Sugar 2 photo.
Email: yona(at)
Hmm...I'd imagine the man climbing up the ladder, which would be propped up against the tree. There would be something hanging at the very top of the tree, just out of reach for the man on the ladder- perhaps an apple, or a kitty that has to be rescued?
As for my favourite print, it'd definitely be the 'Sin of Gluttony' with the Nutella :)
aestraea [at]
oops, forgot link to the print!
I know the date is passed but I see him in the tree, pulling the ladder up after him. He wants to be alone. ; )
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